School Policies
Salisbury Cathedral School have drawn up policies to provide information to parents, as well as prospective parents and the general public. These documents show the values of the school as well as the procedures and practices that make up school policy.
They have also been drawn up with reference to the regulatory requirements under the ISI Inspection Framework.
All these policies are the responsibility of the Head and the Senior Leadership Team, and are reviewed and updated on a regular basis. The Governors of the school oversee the creation, review and implementation of school policies in line with the recommendations of the DfE and ISI.
- 14a Supervision of Pupils
- 15a Admissions Policy 2
- 15b Attendance Policy 1
- 17a Equal Opportunities Policy
- 18a Safer Recruitment Policy
- 2a Curriculum Policy
- 33a Complaints Policy 09 24 docx 2
- 3a iv Assessment and Reporting Policy
- 3b SEND Policy including EYFS
- 7a Safeguarding Policy 8
- 7k Low Level Concerns Policy
- 9b Pupil Suspension and Exclusion Policy Sept 24 FINAL docx
- Anti Bullying Policy 10a
- Behaviour Discipline Exclusions Policy 9a
- Boarding Policy 2023 B1a
- Children walking home alone and Collection by minors S28
- Code of Conduct Staff Behaviour Policy 7e
- Curriculum Policy 2a
- EYFS Policy
- First Aid Policy 13a
- Health and Safety Policy 11a
- Late collection Pre Prep including EYFS 14bi
- Missing Child Policy 14b
- Mobile Devices in EYFS 7i
- Photography Policy S10
- Physical Intervention Restraint Policy 9ai
- PSHE 2d
- Relationships and Sex Education SRE 2f
- S1 EAL Provision Statement
- S2 EHCP Provision Statement
- S25 Visiting Speakers Policy
- S5 Privacy Notice
- Salisbury Cathedral School Privacy Notice S5
- Separated Parents Policy S11a
- Social Media Policy S11
- Staff Induction Policy 7c
- Whistleblowing Policy 7b
Academic performance
Available upon request
Complaints - Number of complaints registered under the formal complaints procedure during the preceding school year: 3
If parents are dissatisfied with the School’s fulfilment of the EYFS requirements, they can contact OSFTED and/or ISI, as follows:
Ofsted: Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD. General helpline: 0300 123 1231. Email: enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk
Independent Schools Inspectorate: Ground Floor, CAP House, 9-12 Long Lane, London, EC1A 9HA. Telephone number: 020 7600 0100. Email: concerns@isi.net
Any record of complaints about the School’s fulfilment of the EYFS requirements will be made available to OFSTED and ISI on request.
If the parent's complaint is about boarding and the School has not resolved the matter to their satisfaction, parents may contact ISI, as above.