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Voices InSpire Sing Together in the Cathedral

Voices InSpire Sing Together in the Cathedral

Over 350 children from six Salisbury schools came together in the Cathedral, on Wednesday 16 November 2022 at 11.30am, for a shared concert led by Susie Lamb, Salisbury Cathedral School Director of Music, and her colleague Sarah Budd. The concert was the grand finale of this term’s Voices Inspire project.


Children in school years 3 and 4 from St Martin's, Sarum St Paul's, Coombe Bissett, St Nicholas Porton, Woodford Valley and Harnham Junior Schools took part in this term’s Voices InSpire project. The children have enjoyed regular visits from Susie and Sarah, as well as practising hard with their own teachers in school, learning a range of songs loosely based on the theme of Weather. On the morning of Wednesday 16th November, all the schools joined together to rehearse for the first time, before performing a short concert to show the culmination of their magnificent efforts.


‘It is a privilege to visit other schools and teach singing. The joy on the children’s faces as they find their voices and learn the songs always lifts my heart. We encourage people to come and hear them sing in the Cathedral and share the fun,’ says Susie Lamb, Salisbury Cathedral School Director of Music.


Voices InSpire is a collaborative project run jointly by Salisbury Cathedral School and Salisbury Cathedral for primary schools in the local area. Susie and Sarah visit participating schools regularly to teach a fun repertoire of songs to children in specific school years. Each Voices InSpire project runs for one school term with the goal of coming together in the Cathedral, with all other partaking schools, to perform a concert for family and friends. There is no charge to take part in the Voices InSpire project.


Next term, after Christmas, the Voices InSpire project will focus on children in school years 1 & 2. The summer term, after Easter, will be for children in school year 5. Local schools interested in joining the Voices InSpire project are invited to contact Salisbury Cathedral School to learn more and see about a space on the 2023-24 programme.