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Bright Explorers - Forest School Toddler Group

Bright Explorers - Forest School Toddler Group

Intrepid toddlers and pre-schoolers, aged between 2 and 4 years, took temporary residence under a large tree in the beautiful grounds of Salisbury Cathedral School this morning for the first meeting of the new Bright Explorers forest school group. The Bright Explorers will meet every Friday this term, led by Sarah Tribe of the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, to get muddy and have fun learning about nature.

 Every child was welcomed with their own ‘Forest School Ticket’ – a sticky card to collect natural treasures such as leaves, grass, twigs and berries. Other activities included, making homes for a collection of woodland themed soft toys, a mud making kitchen, a swing and, a home-made ‘tippy-tap’ which provided enjoyment as well as necessary handwashing.

 Each week the Bright Explorers will congregate in a different spot within the 27 acres of beautiful grounds that is home to Salisbury Cathedral School. They will also enjoy changing activities but the central ethos – to explore and be at home within nature – will remain constant.

 “The purpose of the group is to encourage both the children and the parents to have increased confidence to go outside and explore,” Sarah Tribe, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust. “Activities are provided for the children, but free play is the name of the game and we suggest parents let their little ones explore as they wish during their time with us each week.”

 If you are interested in joining the Bright Explorers in the future, please contact Jojo Orange: orange.j@salisburycathedralschool.com.