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Announcing the New Head of Salisbury Cathedral School

Announcing the New Head of Salisbury Cathedral School

Letter from James Fletcher, Acting Chair of Governors

 I am delighted to announce the appointment of Mrs Sally Moulton to the role of Head with effect from 1st September 2024.

Sally shone through our field of exceptional applicants for her passion for the nurturing ethos of Salisbury Cathedral School, her understanding of our unique history and the strength of her academic and management experience. She impressed us across all areas of the extensive assessment process. The Board and Chapter are in no doubt that she will build on the strong foundations at the school to deliver the best outcomes for all our pupils, with warmth and kindness.

Sally’s educational career has spanned a wide variety of settings including Talbot Health, Clayesmore and Kenton Prep School in Nairobi and has included senior and preparatory, day and boarding schools in both the independent and maintained sectors. Since 2018 she has been Head of Yarrells Prep and Nursery School in Poole which, in 2022, received an “excellent” inspection result in all sixteen areas of educational quality and pupils’ personal development.

In Sally’s own words “I believe it is this breadth of experience that has been instrumental in helping me to develop not just a deep understanding of how successful establishments run, but also to build my own educational philosophy about the environment I believe young people need in order to thrive and develop into curious, passionate and creative young adults with high aspirations for their lives ahead.”

Sally understands about the life and work of a cathedral school through her own musical education and having sung regularly in church and cathedral choirs since leaving university. She plays the flute, recorder, piano and is learning the trumpet! She has been a boarding inspector for Independent Schools Inspectorate since 2017 and her remit has included cathedral schools.

We are certain that Sally will ensure the next phase of SCS’s development sees stable leadership, strong progress in all areas of the school’s work grounded in the Christian values that are central to the school’s relationship with everyone in the Salisbury Cathedral community.

Until Sally joins us in September 2024, we are excited that Sophie Baber will be leading the school ably supported by Emma Reach. Many of you may have already met Sophie and Emma but if you would like to drop in and introduce yourself, we know they would appreciate the opportunity to get to know you better.

We are thrilled that Sally will be joining us and look forward to introducing Sally, her family and Juno, the beagle to you all. We will be in touch when we have a suitable opportunity. 

We would also like to thank all the staff who have put so much effort and time into helping with the recruitment process.

I hope you and your children have an enjoyable Christmas break and we look forward to welcoming you to the school in the New Year.

Yours sincerely

James Fletcher


Acting Chair of Governors

on behalf of the Governing Board of Salisbury Cathedral School