Archived News
- 17th Nov: A Big Thank you from the charity, Priestmead
- 14th Nov: National Youth Choir of Great Britain
- 1st Nov: Salisbury Cathedral School Art Competition Celebrates Young Talent in Partnership with the Vanner Gallery
- 18th Oct: Salisbury Cathedral School art competition winners announced
- 13th Oct: Welcome to Mrs Sophie Baber, Interim Head
- 25th Sep: We welcomed six new boy choristers
- 15th Sep: 25th anniversary of Children's Chance
- 14th Sep: Year 8 in action on the Purbeck coastline
- 6th Sep: First ever Griffiths Chapel Organ Scholar
- 5th Sep: Welcome back to the boarders
- 5th Sep: A warm welcome...
- 7th Jul: The winner of the 2023 Year 8 Junior Enterprise
- 26th Jun: Outstanding Common Entrance Results - 2023
- 12th Jun: Official opening of the changing rooms
- 13th Mar: Update from Fraser and Robert in South Africa
- 8th Mar: Happy International Women's Day
- 8th Mar: U13A Girls Netball - Overall Joint winners
- 7th Mar: Update from the Wildlife Garden
- 6th Mar: Year 6 to Avebury Ring
- 28th Feb: La Folia - Planet Three Eleven Thousand!
- 1st Feb: New Pipe Organ Scholarship Programme
- 30th Jan: Children's Nutrition Workshop - Amber McIntosh
- 24th Jan: New Choristers Admitted
- 24th Jan: Listen to our Year 8 Leavers discussing their memories of SCS
- 23rd Jan: Charity Concert Featuring Former Royal Harpist and Outstanding Violinist
- 19th Jan: Robert and Fraser have arrived at Union High School, Graaff-Reinet!
- 12th Jan: The Choristers have returned to regular sercice
- 12th Jan: Year 8 Music Scholars give a outstanding performance
- 19th Dec: The Snowman
- 15th Dec: Thank you to the catering team
- 14th Dec: Year 8 warming everyone's hearts at the end of the Chamber Music Concert.
- 14th Dec: Pre-Prep Christmas Celebrations
- 12th Dec: Pre-Prep Nativity 2023
- 12th Dec: Year 8 Conservation Project
- 5th Dec: Chorister Bishops at Salisbury Cathedral
- 5th Dec: Many congratulations to our new Years 3 & 4 Sports Leaders
- 24th Nov: Annual Friends of SCS Christmas Fair
- 22nd Nov: Year 5's first session with the artistes from La Folia
- 21st Nov: Pipe Dreams Campaign - Sponsor-A-Pipe
- 21st Nov: BBC Children In Need 2022
- 21st Nov: Key Cup 2022 Winners
- 18th Nov: Christmas Show Box Appeal 2022
- 17th Nov: U13A Rugby Team Victory
- 16th Nov: Upper Prep's Knowledge Night Enrichment Programme with Jason Lovering
- 16th Nov: Voices InSpire Sing Together in the Cathedral
- 7th Nov: New books for the library
- 4th Nov: County Champions
- 3rd Nov: Year 7 Conservation Day on the Cranborne Estate
- 14th Oct: The Museum of Marvellous Things
- 14th Oct: Beyond COP21 Symposium
- 13th Oct: Year 8 Leavers Film 2022
- 7th Oct: Organathon Success
- 6th Oct: Three new girl choristers admitted to the Cathedral Choir and four more Promoted
- 5th Oct: Year 5 Cracking the Code
- 3rd Oct: Year 8 Sculpture Workshop with Mrs Bromiley
- 13th Sep: Salisbury Cathedral choristers play their part remembering Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
- 1st Jul: Schools' Triathlon, Marlborough College
- 21st Jun: Geography - Zoom lesson with meteorologist from the US.
- 2nd Jun: Return of the Music Festival!
- 30th May: Wednesday's Knowledge Night Talk
- 23rd May: Year 6 - All at Sea on the Jolie Brise
- 18th May: Matilda Jr by Years 5 and 6
- 29th Apr: Visit from Kate French MBE, Olympic Gold Medallist
- 30th Mar: 'KES' by Lawrence Till
- 21st Mar: Salisbury Schools Team Up for the #BigClimateFightback
- 18th Mar: Bright Explorers celebrated World Frog Day
- 18th Mar: 'Ocean Commotion' Year 3-4 Musical
- 18th Mar: An update on the Ukraine collection from the weekend
- 12th Mar: Whittling, Wattling, Mud and Magic at Salisbury Cathedral School
- 21st Feb: Conservation Corner Gets Fruity
- 9th Feb: Exciting new PocketLab system
- 9th Feb: Salisbury Cathedral School celebrates new Good Schools Guide Review
- 9th Feb: A New Orchard To Help Boost Biodiversity
- 10th Dec: Carol Service 2021
- 2nd Dec: Christmas Tree Festival 2021
- 6th Nov: Year 6 have enjoyed blasting their pneumatic rockets into space!
- 6th Nov: Spring Bulb Planting Triumph!
- 6th Nov: Conker competition result
- 6th Nov: Fallen small-leafed lime in The Close
- 6th Nov: Boarders celebrate Diwali 2021
- 6th Nov: Hoping to boost bio-diversity
- 6th Nov: Conservation School Award
- 6th Nov: Nature's Classroom
- 5th Nov: EYFS enjoying Bonfire time
- 4th Nov: Pre-Prep celebrate Diwali
- 3rd Nov: Pre-Prep planting bulbs with the Year 8's
- 2nd Nov: A small step towards a better world
- 28th Oct: Lovely new bunk beds for the boarding house
- 12th Oct: A real Viking feast
- 11th Oct: Gala Concert marking the 30th Anniversary of the founding of Salisbury Cathedral’s girls’ Choir.
- 7th Oct: Prep School Geography Competition
- 5th Oct: The Water Meadows Trust
- 4th Oct: Playdoh preparation for a sculpture project
- 1st Oct: U13 girls team winners!
- 1st Oct: Pea shooters are all the rage!
- 29th Sep: SCS at the EEC Fair
- 28th Sep: Year 2 visit Breamore House
- 28th Sep: Tasty treats for the birds
- 27th Sep: It's not al singing for the choristers
- 27th Sep: All About Me!
- 25th Sep: Year 4 visit Butser Ancient Farm
- 24th Sep: The Three Little Pigs
- 23rd Sep: Year 3 - Core Values
- 23rd Sep: The whole school is going 'Under the Sea'
- 23rd Sep: Outdoor Learning highlights
- 22nd Sep: Why SCS was 'Right Choice' for the Blank Family
- 21st Sep: 'In our Own Words - Voices from Our Community'
- 17th Sep: Rev Pete had parents on their feet
- 16th Sep: Sailing is back!
- 16th Sep: Rare species found
- 15th Sep: Year 4 explore dragonflies
- 6th Sep: EYFS Pond Dipping in the school lake
- 6th Sep: CSA Welcomes new Chairman
- 16th Jun: The Living Rainforest
- 13th Jun: Conservation of butterflies
- 10th Jun: Year 8 Goodbye messages
- 27th May: Year 4 have been evacuated!
- 26th May: Nursery visit Farmer Will
- 20th May: Year 4 visit the Tutankhamun Exhibition
- 20th May: Matches are back!!
- 19th May: Year 2 have been making river rafts!
- 12th May: Thanks to 'No Mow May'
- 10th May: Tiny the lamb visits nursery
- 4th May: Three choristers admitted to Salisbury Cathedral Choir
- 24th Mar: Sneaky breeding tactics of the Cuckoo!
- 24th Mar: The year 8 girls had a hilarious time bouncing netballs
- 24th Mar: Staff vs pupils netball match
- 19th Mar: Happy Birthday Mr Marriott
- 18th Mar: Shakespeare Week
- 17th Mar: Year 5 playing a pentatonic piece
- 5th Mar: SCS Rondeau by Purcell
- 12th Feb: Warminster - The Pupils' Perspective
- 12th Feb: Congratulations to Phoebe and Tilly B, who have both gained places in the National Children's Orchestra
- 12th Feb: Big Garden Birdwatch 2021.
- 12th Feb: New dome experience
- 5th Feb: Senior Schools - The Pupils' Perspective
- 26th Jan: Live from the USA
- 22nd Jan: Senior Schools - The Pupils' Perspective
- 15th Jan: Outdoor Remote Learning
- 11th Dec: Congratulations to Miss Thomlinson on achieving Level 1 Makaton
- 10th Dec: Father Christmas and his reindeers visit SCS
- 10th Dec: Thank to our awesome catering team
- 2nd Dec: Rosie playing 1st Movement of Concerto in A minor by Vivaldi
- 2nd Dec: Year 8's aluminium sculptures
- 2nd Dec: It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.....
- 2nd Dec: Fisherton Street welcomes new restaurant Lah Koh
- 27th Nov: The launch of the "Mo Mile"
- 26th Nov: Latest SCSA Newsletter
- 26th Nov: Chemical Reactions
- 18th Nov: A perfect way to express yourself
- 18th Nov: Early Years explore Diwali
- 17th Nov: Award winning Director of Music, David Halls
- 17th Nov: Boarders celebrate Diwali 2020
- 17th Nov: Penpals
- 17th Nov: Making the most of our grounds
- 13th Nov: Show that we care and make a difference
- 13th Nov: Children in Need Choir
- 13th Nov: Update on the 2020 Leavers' Jetty
- 13th Nov: Year 8 music scholar performance
- 11th Nov: Remembrance Day
- 21st Oct: Does your child love singing?
- 9th Oct: La Jolie Ronde
- 2nd Oct: Kinaesthetic approach to handwriting
- 1st Oct: Developing an awareness of instrumental sounds
- 29th Sep: Salisbury Cathedral School partner with FMS UK
- 25th Sep: Year 2 take a step back in time
- 25th Sep: Year 4 visit Butser Ancient Farm
- 24th Sep: Socially distanced rehearsal
- 22nd Sep: Exploring theories of the solar system
- 22nd Sep: Exploring the rich diversity
- 15th Sep: SCS Welcome 55 New Starters
- 11th Sep: Bright Explorers - Forest School Toddler Group
- 2nd Sep: Bright Explorers - Forest School Toddler Group
- 20th Aug: BSA Covid-Safe Charter
- 8th Jul: Christ Triumphant
- 24th Jun: Roald Dahl writing sheds
- 23rd Jun: Zoom across to the USA
- 23rd Jun: Learning Support via Google Meet
- View current news items