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Aims, Mission and Values

This is the place where you can pinpoint the abiding Values of our school.

Running like a bright ribbon through every aspect of daily life here, they bring together our whole approach to the education, personal development and well-being of each child.

They are also the mechanism by which we deliver our Mission: ‘To develop the whole child, preparing them to make a positive influence in the world .’

We are passionate about the application and working practice of these Values, and so it is important to us that, as you wander through this website, you can actively trace their influence and capacity to lift everybody up, to be the best they can be. It is what makes all the difference.

Statement of the School's Aims

  • To ensure all pupils reach their academic potential, through effective teaching, learning and assessment.
  •  To provide wide-ranging and high quality co-curricular and enrichment opportunities for all pupils both within and beyond the curriculum.
  •  To ensure our school and community reflects our Christian foundation by providing the best possible provision for the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils.
  • To develop the whole person, physically, spiritually, intellectually, morally, socially and emotionally in a supportive, safe and caring community, both within the school and the boarding environment.
  • To establish strong partnerships in our community:

1. By fostering and developing our dedication to a shared purpose with our core partners (parents, alumni, Salisbury Cathedral and CSA).

2. Through charitable activities and events with the wider community.

  • To maintain and further develop a strong business model through careful financial management and an effective commercial strategy.
  • To nurture and develop our resources with sustainability, coherence and ambition.

Pre-Prep Core Values

In the Pre-Prep we follow 4 core values which sit at the heart of daily school life and form the basis of every child’s pastoral and academic development.

  • Kindness
  • Courage
  • Thinking
  • Creativity

Prep Core Values

We want to develop ourselves as well-rounded individuals and as responsible members of society. We focus on 8 core values at Salisbury Cathedral School which are explored in different ways during our time here. These are qualities we hope will continue to be important throughout our lives.

  • Community
  • Creativity
  • Discovery
  • Leadership
  • Resilience
  • Self-discipline
  • Teamwork
  • Thinking