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Contact Us


Salisbury Cathedral School
1 The Close


General Enquiries | 01722 555300 

Heads PA headsec@salisburycathedralschool.com 

Registrar | 01722 555315 admissions@salisburycathedralschool.com

HR | hr@salisburycathedralschool.com

Finance | finance@salisburycathedralschool.com

Estates | operations@salisburycathedralschool.com


How to find us

Salisbury Cathedral School is located within the Cathedral Close

Travelling by car 

If you are using Satnav please use the postcode SP1 2ES as this will bring you directly into the close. An additional map can be found here.

The main vehicular entrance into the Close is via the High Street, turn into the Close at Prezzo and pass under a stone medieval gateway.

Once in the Close, turn left at the parking kiosk and follow the road around into the school, turning first right at Sarum College.

Travelling by rail 

Salisbury Railway Station is within walking distance of the school, with a frequent, fast service to London Waterloo.
