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Boarding Life

Boarding Life

A word from Rory....

The SCS boarding house is never quiet!  Whether singing along to a Disney movie (especially Mamma Mia!) or playing in the school pool or garden after supper, there is always something to do.

 During the week, we wake up and head over to the main school for a delicious breakfast, and then myself and all the other boarding choristers head off for our daily morning practice either at school or in the cathedral, while the non choristers begin their school day.

 After school every day, we have prep and boarders' time, in which we sometimes go to the school gym or watch a film, or if it is light and sunny out, we will play on the astro or school grounds before supper.  We then go back to the boarding house and settle down for a film or to call our parents.

 Weekends are always really fun in the boarding house and there will never be a dull moment. We have an annual Boarders' bake off and a Boarding talent show, both of which are a highlight of the year. We sometimes go into town to do shopping for sweets or stationery, and will also go out for a trip, which range from down the road to the Salisbury parks to Museums, water parks and walks in the New Forest.



Another great thing about boarding is the fact that all the staff and GAP students are really friendly and caring, and you are 100% guaranteed to make friends with other members of the boarding family, particularly within your dorm.  

 Whether it is out and about on a weekend or just sitting down for a film in the boarding house, boarding at SCS is one of the best aspects of the school.