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A word from Mrs Cunningham-Brown, Head of Pre-Prep

A warm welcome to Nursery and Pre-Prep from Linda Cunningham Brown

 “Learning in the Pre-Prep is built around a freedom of expression and creativity from our children, which is nurtured and harnessed to help them progress in the most natural way.”


Embracing the magic of creativity, the diversity of dinosaurs and the properties of the lavender plant, and then weaving those interests, amongst so many others from the children, into our literacy and numeracy programme tells us things are rocketing along in the Pre-Prep. I am particularly fond of talking about this to visiting parents in order to bring alive the special atmosphere and the ethos of our Pre-Prep. Because when the children come to school brimming with their own ideas we can respond to their energy by giving them the time and space to explore and develop. That means everything to them and to us.

Our broad, multi-sensory approach has children flying through the doors in the morning eager for their day to begin, and even in the earliest years they quickly come to understand that what we offer is all for them as individuals. Alert children who display a quiet confidence, a cooperative kindness when working with others, and the courage to give their best when faced with a challenge, know they will always be recognised and encouraged at Salisbury Cathedral School. Indeed, it is these very qualities that we seek to encourage every day in our happy children, and are what we are most proud of. These are the values I find myself speaking about all the time to parents who naturally want to ensure the best possible start for their children. 

Our busy programme of French, music, ICT, PE and ballet lessons with dedicated teachers brings another skills dimension to the children, as do the sprawling and beautiful outdoor spaces that they love playing and learning in. All of this combines in the most dynamic way to support our mantra in the Prep-Prep which is to lift the learning off the page and out of the classroom. In this way we can inspire all of our children to reach beyond themselves and come to know what they have to offer, to believe in themselves, and to be happy.

 Linda Cunningham Brown, Head of Pre-Prep